How many opportunities am I going to get to recreate myself? Two years ago, I would have said none. A year ago, I would have said one. Now, I say as many as it takes to get it right. Because that's what life should be about - continuously trying - creating and recreating - striving to get it right. I've accepted the fact that I'm considered middle-aged now. Some days, it's hard to hide. With middle-age comes assessment and reassessment. And, with those assessments come adjustments and readjustments. Moments of "this is all it will ever be" and moments of "this can't be all there is". I will not give in to the stereotypical mid-life crisis. This moment in the middle of my life is not a crisis but a chrysalis. And, I will emerge better and more beautiful than I was going into it.
Writer. Baker. Journey taker. Finding the balance between weight and worth.